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  • July 18, 2020
  • 8:00 AM
  • July 25, 2020
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Registration is closed


July 19 thru July 25, 2020

  • Inside, overnight camping in mostly air-conditioned facilities
  • Daily door-to-door baggage transport   
  • Daily route maps and cue cards with directions to each overnight location
  • Chartered & from the start and end towns  


    RAGBRAI FEES         $175.00  (Week-long Riders) (Daily see below)

    + Tax                         $10.50

    = Sub                        $185.50

    + HBA Fee                $700.00 

    = Sub                        $885.50 

    - HBA Pts                    $300.00  (if Max HBA Pts earned)

    Net =                       $585.50   (Paid to HBA directly) you will be invoiced and then you can forward your check. Fees must be paid by March 1, 2020.

    ***NOTE*** A maximum of 300 points earned by club participation during 2017 may be used to offset the Overnight Accommodations and Transportation fee on a 1 point to $1 basis. 

    Request your earned points totals from our Membership Director. 


    Daily Riders:

    • Obtain Wristbands from RAGBRAI OUTSIDE of group #34
    • $80.00 per night for accommodation
    • $100.00 Transportation, Cedar Rapids to start (PRIORITY IS TO WEEK LONG RIDER
    • $40.00 Transportation from end town to Cedar Rapids, IA
    • Here are 6 easy steps to ensure that you are considered for RAGBRAI with HBA:

      (Complete one application for each participant.)


    Download and complete a HBA RAGBRAI rider and accommodation form.

    THIS the FIRST STEP THIS YEAR! Please go to the HBA website and sign up, print your Rider and Accommodation form and sign.

    More information will be coming out soon. We will let you know when to go to the RAGBRAI website and sign up under Group #34. Thank you!!!!


    Complete RAGBRAI wristband registration and associate with HBA Group (#34) for a week-long wristband.


    • (Register on, designate group #34 for HBA, DO NOT pay RAGBRAI directly, instead send your wristband fee along with other items below to HBA)
    • We encourage week-long HBA riders to sign up with RAGBRAI ASAP.
    • If you registered with RAGBRAI for the July 2019 ride, you will receive an e-mail in November 2019 with a reminder of your USER ID and PASSWORD.
    • If you forget or lose your password, click on 'Lost Password', then enter your username and e-mail address. Your password will be sent to you.


    For Minors only, print a copy of the Minor's Waiver.
    Sign, date it and submit.


    We prefer you pay your 2020 Membership Dues via HBA website prior to Dec 31st, 2019. 

    (You must have paid your 2020 HBA Membership to register and participate with HBA on RAGBRAI.

    Annual is Individual: $30.00   Family: $40.00)


    An invoice will be emailed to you.

    Make your check payable to HBA, deduct club participation points earned in 2019 (300 points maximum).

    Request your earned points totals from our Membership Director.


    In Summary: send or submit the following items to HBA  (by March 1, 2020):

    • Sign and send a RAGBRAI Accommodation and Transportation with HBA (step 1)
    • Complete RAGBRAI wristband registration with HBA, Group #34 for the week-long wristband. (see step 2)
    • Sign and send a RAGBRAI Waiver, for Minors (step 3).
    • Send Your 2018 HBA Membership Renewal (step 4)
    • Include Your Check with the above and send (step 5)
    • NEW!! Your RAGBRAI registration fees must be paid by March 1, 2020.

    Hawkeye Bicycle Association - Ragbrai Director 
    Mark Sillman
    402 Larick Dr.
    Marion, IA 52302
    Email Mark

    Important Notes:

    • Completing the REGISTER's on-line RAGBRAI form and HBA's RAGBRAI Application Form does not automatically get you a wristband and HBA accommodations. 
    • RAGBRAI allots 60 to 70 week-long passes to HBA.  We cannot guarantee passes for all applicants.  Local, active HBA cyclists who participate in HBA events and club rides get 'first dibs'.  Club members who are not local, and out-of-town relatives of local HBA members add a lot of fun to our shared experience, and they will continue to be welcomed. 
    • If the number of applicants for HBA exceeds the allotted number of passes, plan-B is for extra riders to apply for individual wristbands through the RAGBRAI lottery.  HBA can sometimes provide overnight housing and daily baggage transport if the extra rider can provide their own transportation to the starting town. 
    • Send a separate application for each person:  (More than one application can be mailed in the same envelope.)
    • You must sign the HBA RAGBRAI Application and the RAGBRAI waiver(minors only). Unsigned applications will be returned.  
    • The cancellation fee this year is $40 until April 30th and $80 afterward.  The remaining fee will be refunded when we are able to sell your spot.  This fee helps cover costs and effort associated with reselling the passes. 

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    Hawkeye Bicycle Association
    P.O. Box 223
    Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52406-0223

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