ABCD RIDE [SOUTH] - GSP/Sutliff Loop (45 Miles)
GSP ("Green Square" - HBA always refers to as Green Square Park)
ABCD Ride Coordinator - David Krueger
Ride Leaders: Gary Roling and Dick Mundy
We will need 4 ride leaders (one per group). The "D" group will turn around after the stop in Mt. Vernon. If we do this in conjunction with "Chalk the Walk", people can view the awesome artwork before heading back with Dick Mundy.
Meet at 8:45 AM for pre-ride meeting and instructions. Please sign-in with a ride leader. Plan to depart parking lot by 9 AM.
**05/02/24 Update #2** Gary Roling agreed to be there so I think we are set for both the full loop as well. Thanks! Have a great ride!
Our postal address is:
Hawkeye Bicycle AssociationP.O. Box 223Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52406-0223
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