ABCD RIDE SOUTH-GSP-Sutliff Loop (45 Miles)
GSP ("Green Square" - HBA always refers to as Green Square Park)
ABCD Ride Coordinator - Jim Bernstein
A- Looking for A group leaders! Please Contact Jim Bernstein if you have interest in joining our ride leadership crew!
B/C- Jim will lead either of these groups on this date. If you can lead either B or C we appreciate it.
D- ABCD rides are for everyone! Please come check out these inclusive rides and get to know other members who participate in our club rides. D Group will sometimes go a shorter distance out and back on this route.
Meet at 8:45 AM for pre-ride meeting and instructions. Please sign-in with a ride leader. Plan to depart parking lot by 9 AM.
Our postal address is:
Hawkeye Bicycle AssociationP.O. Box 223Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52406-0223
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